The 10 Worst Skilled Nursing Homes in EAST GREENBUSH, New York

Updated as of April 01, 2024

Click here to see the best skilled nursing facilities in EAST GREENBUSH, New York.

Below is a list of the top 10 WORST skilled nursing homes in EAST GREENBUSH, New York. This list is based on the nursing home's health inspection scores (alse referred to as the "weighted all cycles score"). We also show the home's 5-star overall rating in the list. (If a nursing home has been flaged by CMS for abuse, we will added an icon () to the home to indicate this.)

The data is based on the dataset as of April 1,2024.

Name Health Inspection Score / Overall Rating
Hillcrest Commons Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
185.5 / 1:
The Grand Rehabilitation and Nursing at Barnwell
136 / 1:
The Grand Rehabilitation and Nrsg at Guilderland
111.333 / 1:
Troy Center For Rehabilitation and Nursing
89.333 / 1:
Hudson Park Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
84.333 / 1:
Collar City Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
79.333 / 1:
Delmar Center For Rehabilitation and Nursing
78.667 / 2:
Rosewood Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
78.333 / 2:
St Margarets Center
76.5 / 2:
Ghent Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
67.333 / 1: